7 C's of Communication

7 C's of Communication

Definition: It is a certain defined parameter or criteria which becomes helpful for people in conveying messages or information with effective and clear understanding that provides some meaningful results. For clear, effective and meaningful communication, there should be efficiently follows the 7 C's of Communication:

7 C's of Communication

7 C's of Communication are as follows:

Clear, Correct, Complete, Concrete, Concise, Consideration, Courteous

1. Clear

Ensure the messages or information exchanged between sender and receiver should be clear and understandable to both. Clarity in messages print clearly and leave positive expression on the receiver 's mind hence, it provides sound results. 

2. Correct

Any grammatical and spelling mistakes must be prevented while going to make a communication between sender and receiver. It is to be said that correct messages leave a positive impact on the receiver. Here, it is the sender's obligation to use correct language, exact and accurate which represents actuality.

3. Complete

For better decision-making at a time, ensure the message should be complete. Incomplete or raw data is useless and unable to extract any meaningful result. Hence, for complete answers there must be a required amount of information.

4. Concrete

Messages which are to be communicated must be concrete and clear. Misinterpretation or misleading must be prevented and should represent clear facts and figures of messages whatever the sender intended to communicate.

5. Concise

Concise refers to messages that should be communicated concisely. It means to communicate lengthy sentences in a short summary and always try to deliver messages in the least possible words  to retain the receiver's attention by providing short and brief messages to the receiver.

6. Consideration

To make effective communication between sender and receiver, sender must take into consideration the receiver's mindset, background and their knowledge in order to prepare themselves for effective communication.

7. Courteous

Messages communicated with the receiver, the sender should perform their duty in respect of receiver point of view that messages must be courteous and free from bias. There should be real and positive information which intends to be communicated with full respect to the target audience. 

Note: The above used picture is not my individual or personal property, it is basically used for illustration purpose.

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7 C's of Communication 7 C's of Communication Reviewed by CreateManagement on January 09, 2022 Rating: 5

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